Back Pain a Bother? Consult the Best Back Pain Doctors in West Orange, New Jersey
After some gentle ribbing from your friends, you decide to call it a game. At home, you begin to search for some sound medical advice on the internet and see phrases like “laser spine surgeries”, “NJ spine”, “Dr. Katzman”, and “pain management” that seem like they’re way out of your league. What you really need is a doctor in West Orange, NJ who can clearly explain what’s happened to your back, and how you can return to top form on the court.

Meet the Best Back Pain Doctors in West Orange, New Jersey
The board-certified pain doctors at Pain Treatment Specialists are experts in pain management, and avoid treatments like laser spine surgeries. These Harvard-trained pain doctors utilize state-of-the-art pain management treatments like physical therapy, ablations, and injections to treat chronic back pain. As the best back pain doctors in West Orange, New Jersey, our team is top notch! Here are some of our back pain doctors in West Orange, New Jersey:

- Dr. George Hanna: As one of the top back pain doctors in West Orange, New Jersey, Dr. Hanna is double board certified in anesthesiology, interventional pain management and pain medicine. His expertise has been showcased at national medical conferences and in textbook chapters, where this former Harvard Medical School Clinical Instructor’s knowledge of pain medicine and interventional pain treatments are on display. Perhaps Dr. Hanna’s most prestigious accomplishment is his caring bedside manner, which has earned him outstanding patient reviews as a back pain doctor in West Orange, New Jersey.
- Dr. Laura Lombardi: Double board certified in anesthesiology and pain medicine, Dr. Lombardi is one of the best back pain doctors in West Orange, New Jersey. Her goal as an interventional pain doctor is to tailor a patient’s care based on their specific needs and concerns. As an athlete herself, Dr. Lombardi knows the importance of keeping your body pain-free and in top condition.
Don’t wait to contact a back pain doctor in West Orange, New Jersey because you fear that surgery is the only option to relieve your chronic pain. At Pain Treatment Specialists, our back pain doctors in West Orange, New Jersey are highly-qualified to treat your back pain with a wide variety of minimally-invasive treatments.
What Are Common Causes of Back Pain?
When you meet with your back pain doctor in West Orange, New Jersey, you’ll discuss some of the reasons why your back aches. Your pain doctor is an expert at identifying the root cause of your back pain, and then creating a customized treatment plan just for your needs. Some common causes of back pain include:
- Muscle or Ligament Strain: If you move your back suddenly or in an awkward way, you may have strained your back muscles or spinal ligaments. Your attempted block on the basketball court is a perfect example of a possible muscle or ligament strain.
- Ruptured or Bulging Discs: Your discs are cushions between the vertebrae in your spine, and the soft interior of the disc can bulge or rupture. This then presses on a nerve, which causes tremendous pain.
- Osteoporosis: When your bones become brittle because of osteoporosis, you may develop compression fractures in your vertebrae.
- Arthritis: Your lower back can be affected by arthritis, which is a progressive inflammation and stiffness in your joints.
Your back pain doctor in West Orange, New Jersey can properly identify the cause of your back pain, and then outline a plan for your treatment.
What Are The Best Back Pain Treatments?
At Pain Treatment Specialists, our back pain doctors in West Orange, New Jersey utilize state-of-the-art pain management treatments for chronic back pain. In West Orange, NJ, here are some of the treatments offered:
- Lumbar Radiofrequency Ablation: Radio waves are used to stop the lumbar medial branch nerve from transmitting pain signals. Your back pain doctor in West Orange, New Jersey uses this treatment for patients suffering from lumbar facet joint arthritis.
- Sacroiliac Joint Injection: This minimally-invasive pain treatment provides relief to your SI joint. Your SI joint is located right above your tailbone, and is a common source of back pain. Your back pain doctor in West Orange, New Jersey uses an x-ray to guide a local anesthetic into the sacroiliac joint, which provides tremendous pain relief.
- Lumbar Epidural: Your back pain doctor in West Orange, New Jersey combines a local anesthetic with a corticosteroid for pain relief in your lower back.
Even if you’ve embarrassed yourself on the basketball court, you don’t have to hide your back pain. Contact the best back pain doctors in West Orange, New Jersey at Pain Treatment Specialists to get back to dribbling in no time.
Book a Consultation
Scheduling a consultation with one of our pain treatment specialists is one of the best ways to determine the proper solution for pain relief.