How a Sciatica Pain Doctor in Clifton Treats Sciatica Pain

Who is the Top Sciatica Pain Doctor in Clifton?
There are many back pain doctors in northern New Jersey, but which one is right for you? Orthopedic doctors and orthopedic surgeons typically rely on back surgery as their method for treating back pain. This is due to their background and training in orthopedic surgery. At Pain Treatment Specialists, all of our back pain doctors are pain management specialists, which means that their training focused on finding alternative methods for treating back pain that don’t involve surgery. These minimally invasive treatments provide effective back pain relief without painful, invasive surgery.

Dr. Laura Lombardi’s patients mention that she is “the best” and “takes her time to listen to concerns.” She is double board certified in pain medicine and anesthesiology, and fellowship trained in interventional pain medicine at Harvard. Dr. Lombardi specializes in fluoroscopic-guided back pain treatments, which uses a special x-ray to precisely identify the exact area of pain for targeted treatments.
Dr. Lombardi and Dr. Hanna are part of the pain management team at Clifton’s Pain Treatment Specialists. Schedule an appointment today and meet with our expert back pain doctors who make you feel at ease from your very first consultation.
What Kinds of Minimally Invasive Procedures Treat Sciatica Pain?
Sciatica pain is easily treated with minimally invasive back pain treatments. It is possible to find long term back pain relief without having to resort to back surgery, which is the goal at Pain Treatment Specialists. Sciatica pain is caused when your sciatic nerve roots are irritated by a herniated disc or spinal stenosis. This nerve pain is intense, with many people describing a sharp, stinging sensation that may also be accompanied by pain that radiates into your buttocks, hips, and legs. This is because the sciatic nerve and its nerve roots extend into your lower extremities.
Physical therapy is an excellent tool for sciatica pain. During your PT sessions, a physical therapist uses a series of stretches and activities that help relieve the pressure and pain in your lower back. After several physical therapy sessions, your back is not only stronger, but also more stable and flexible.
An epidural steroid injection is also a highly effective treatment for sciatica pain. During this procedure, you’ll lie face down on the x-ray table, and a local anesthetic is used to numb the injection site. Using a fluoroscope, your back pain doctor directs a needle through the skin and between thе bony vertebrae іntо thе epidural space. The epidural space is the fat-filled area between the bone and the protective sac of the spinal nerves. The fluoroscopic-guided x-ray allows your back pain specialist to watch the needle on the monitor, ensuring that medicine is correctly delivered to the inflamed nerve roots.
Book an appointment at Pain Treatment Specialists and consult with one of our top-rated sciatica pain doctors about what type of minimally invasive treatment is right for your back pain.
How Can I Find Relief From Sciatica Pain At Home?
There are a few things you can do independently to find relief from your sciatica pain at home. First, avoid sitting for long periods of time, and make it a point to get up and move at least once an hour if you’re stuck at your computer. Hot showers and heating pads can also help speed up your recovery by bringing additional blood flow to the area. Ice your lower back in 20 minute intervals to reduce pain and swelling. Make sure to wrap your ice pack with a towel so that it isn’t directly touching your skin, which can cause frostbite. Over the counter pain medicines can also provide short-term pain relief. Finally, stretches keep your back limber and also help relieve pressure on your sciatic nerve. One effective stretch is lying on your back, and gently bringing one knee to your chest. Hold for 20 seconds, and then do the same with your other knee. Then, bring both knees to your chest and hold.
Located near the Fette Ford Dealership on route 46-E, book an appointment at Pain Treatment Specialists to find long lasting back pain relief. Your inflamed sciatic nerve shouldn’t be the reason why you miss out on all that Jersey has to offer!
Book a Consultation
Scheduling a consultation with one of our pain treatment specialists is one of the best ways to determine the proper solution for pain relief.