FOR YOUR health & safety
Now offering virtual visits
Book a one-on-one consultation with one of our board certified Harvard Trained Pain Specialists. We encourage you to stay proactive about your pain treatment – and can help you plan for a pain-proof future, remotely.

Skip the waiting room
Pain Doctors from a distance
We have a full support team of Harvard Trained Pain Treatment Specialists available to you before, during, and after your video consultation.
private & secure
Harvard-trained doctors
Will insurance cover my virtual visit?
Video consultations and appointments are covered by most major medical insurances, including Medicare.

Questions about insurance coverage? We will help explain your specific health insurance coverage and benefits. Provide us with your insurance information and we will answer any questions you may have (855) 201-7077

Get proactive about your health

Quick, easY & accessible
How does a video pain appointment work?
Quick, easY & accessible
See a doctor from anywhere! Choose your pain specialist with one click.
One of our team members will call you to help verify your insurance coverage for free and confirm your appointment.
Our staff will help you get your phone or computer set up for your appointment. Set up usually takes 10 minutes or less. We use Zoom, you can download it here.
You’ll meet with your designated pain specialist from the comfort of your home on your computer or your smart phone (whatever you prefer!)