What is Bursitis?

Bursitis Locations
You can suffer from bursitis in joints such as the shoulder, elbow, hip, and knee. Also, your Achilles tendon is another area where you may develop bursitis. When bursitis occurs near your elbow, the common name is tennis elbow or golfer’s elbow. Bursitis near your knee is sometimes called clergyman’s knee.
Bursitis Symptoms
Tenderness and pain are the initial bursitis symptoms you will experience. The feeling may be from a dull ache to severe shooting pain. In the more extreme cases you may suffer from a lack of the ability to move the joint, often called frozen shoulder for that joint. If you have bursitis, these symptoms can be noticed:
- Feel achy or stiff upon touching the problematic join.
- Hurt more when you try to move them even a bit.
- Look inflamed and red
Bursitis Types
Trochanteric Bursitis: This is bursitis of the outer hip. There are 2 bursas in each hip. There is one on the outside of the hip and one on the inside. Trochanteric bursitis is an inflammation of the trochanteric bursa which is on the outside of the hip. The condition is often caused by overuse in walking, running or bicycling or through injury.
Chronic Bursitis: In its simplest meaning chronic defines a condition as a long-term occurrence. In most instances with some home care, bursitis will subside and eventually, the area will return to the normal state with no pain. But if the bursitis continues over time, know that with medical assistance the condition can be treated. The underlying cause of the chronic disease must be first established.
Bursitis – Potential Causes
The most common cause is overuse. But bursitis can be triggered through infection from gout, rheumatoid arthritis, scleroderma, diabetes, HIV/AIDS or cancer since the patient has a weakened immune system. It also may a result of a hard blow or impact to the area.
What is Bursitis? Prevention
If you are battling with this condition, it is helpful to know some strategies for bursitis treatment to stop any further development of the disease.
- Healthy Weight: By carrying extra weight, you are putting a strain on all of your joints. Even a reduction of 15 to 20 pounds can make a significant difference.
- The Right Equipment: If you are engaged in repetitive movement you should acquire some protective devices. If you are gardening and are on your knees a lot, a good pair of knee pads is advisable. Braces for athletes of specific sports is a wise decision. For example, tennis players would benefit from knee braces, and golfers require support for their elbows. A good fitting running shoes with the proper arch support is needed for walkers and runners.
- Warm Up: Before you start a vigorous activity, it is important to stretch and warm up your body by walking, gently jogging or using the stationary bicycle at a slow speed.
- Muscle Strength: By increasing your muscle strength, you are providing protection for your joints. Build your muscles after the pain from bursitis has subsided.
- Take Breaks: If you are performing repetitive movements, take a break to stretch or rest the areas of concern.
- Proper Posture: You may be into the habit of slouching or standing with your weight unevenly distributed. Whenever possible concentrate on good posture habits.
Bursitis – Home Remedies
There are many ways to treat bursitis yourself in the initial stages. First, you can stop the movements and activities that cause you tenderness and pain. It is essential to rest the injured area and then use ice packs on the affected area. Raising the area will reduce the amount of blood flow and may lessen the inflammation. The reduction of inflammation reduces friction. Consequently, giving ease to the knees. There are several over-the-counter anti-inflammatory drugs available that will reduce the swelling of the area. However if your pain does not subside within a week, it is time to seek assistance from a pain doctor in New Jersey or a pain doctor in New York.

Critical Symptoms- Seek Medical Assistance As Soon As Possible
If you are experiencing any of the following symptoms, it is critical that you seek professional assistance immediately. These are signs of a more serious issue than just bursitis: a fever over 100.4 Fahrenheit, swelling redness and warmth in the area of the pain, pain in more than one generalized area, or inability to move the painful area.
Bursitis – Professional Treatments
When you visit a pain doctor NJ or a pain doctor NY you can expect a wide range of solutions to the issues you are experiencing. The first step to treatment is an accurate identification of the problem. The trained experts at the Pain Treatment Clinic will perform some tests and a full analysis of your general health. In all cases, great effort is made to commence your recovery through non-invasive, non-surgical methods. To receive a complete analysis, it is essential for you to bring the list of medication you are currently taking. After a physical examination, your physician may remove a small sample of fluid from the bursa for further testing. An x-ray to check for any broken bones is possible, blood tests might reveal rheumatoid arthritis, and a CT scan or MRI will determine if there are any torn tendons. Some of many treatment options follow:
- Corticosteroids: These drugs mimic the natural steroid produced by your body to treat inflammation. Once the drug is introduced into the area of the inflamed bursa by injection, healing is usually accomplished quickly.
- Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Medications: There are also some drugs that are both anti-inflammatory and nonsteroidal.
- Antibiotics: If testing confirms a bacterial infection, the pain doctor NY or the pain doctor NJ may prescribe an oral antibiotic.
- Physical Therapy: Medical professionals such as physiotherapists can guide you through exercises to alleviate the pain you are suffering and to build your muscle strength.
- Surgery: In some chronic situations, it is advisable to resort to surgery although it is rare that this type of solution will be required. The well-trained pain doctors at the Pain Treatment Clinic will try many other non-invasive options before recommending surgery.
What is Bursitis? – Remember These Key Concepts
- Bursitis is an inflammation of bursa which is located in 150 locations throughout your body. They are fluid-filled sacs to cushion and provide a slippery surface to reduce friction between body parts such as is common in joints.
- Bursitis is frequently caused by overuse, injury or infection.
- It is advisable to rest the area that is causing the pain. Start home treatment by applying ice packs, raising the area and taking over the counter anti-inflammatory medication such as Motrin or Advil (check with your doctor first).
- If the condition does not start to get better within one week, it is time to seek professional assistance.
- The specialist doctors at the Pain Treatment Clinic will thoroughly analyze your situation and make suggestions for the least invasive procedure to treat your condition.