When is it Time to Search for a Back Pain Specialist Near Me?
During the course of your day, think of all the motions you complete: you stretch in the morning, bend over to grab the newspaper, twist around when backing out of the driveway, shift your body to avoid pedestrians, reach to grab files from a high shelf… and this is all before you’ve even eaten lunch! For all of these motions, you need your back to move fluidly. When your back is working well, you don’t give these movements a second thought. However, when you’re suffering from chronic back pain or lower back pain, you are keenly aware of all of these movements because they cause you distress.
If you’re feeling like it’s time to seek back pain relief, where do you begin to find lower back pain treatment? Perhaps you begin to search for a “back pain specialist near me” or a “back injury doctor near me.” Phrases such as “get relief from lower back pain” or “back pain doctor Austin” begin to clutter your web browser, but is this the most effective way to get relief from lower back pain? Your next step should be contacting the interventional pain doctors at Pain Treatment Specialists, so you can see first-hand what doctors do for back pain. The best search result for “back pain specialist near me” leads you our Ivy League-educated, board certified pain doctors who not only know how to relieve lower back pain, but also offer treatment options and medical advice that avoids surgery and narcotics while employing cutting-edge back pain treatments.

Who is the Best Back Pain Specialist Near Me?
Surgery is not the only option if you want to get relief from lower back pain. For lower back pain relief, a back doctor has several pain treatment options to diagnose and treat your lower back pain. Who should you trust when you search for a “back pain specialist near me”? While you may begin your back pain treatment with a general practitioner or primary care doctor, a spine specialist or back pain doctor has more specialized training to treat back pain issues.
At Pain Treatment Specialists, our interventional back pain doctors and spine specialists have advanced training in diagnosis and management of back pain. Their goal is to help patients avoid surgery while also treating chronic back pain with minimally-invasive, yet highly-effective procedures such as injections and ablations. Our top doctors are experts in back pain medicine and back pain remedies, and also offer friendly, empathetic care to patients experiencing back pain. Let’s meet some of the team!
- Michael Nguyen: As a world-renowned triple board-certified pain specialist, Dr. Nguyen also completed his residency and advanced pain fellowship training at Harvard Medical School. Because of his high level of expertise, Dr. Nguyen’s clinic has been selected as a Center of Excellence. He regularly has pain doctors from all over the world observe the latest in minimally-invasive, non-surgical techniques.
- George Hanna: A nationally recognized double board-certified interventional pain management specialist, Dr. Hanna completed anesthesiology residency at Massachusetts General Hospital – Harvard Medical School and a pain management fellowship at Brigham and Women’s Hospital – Harvard Medical School. He was also appointed as Director of Pain Innovations & Technology while at Harvard, as well as Medical Director of Pain Management at Martha’s Vineyard Hospital.
Clearly, when you’re searching for a “back pain specialist near me”, you won’t find a more qualified set of interventional pain doctors than the team at Pain Treatment Specialists.

What Are Some Symptoms of Lower Back Pain?
When you meet with the team at Pain Treatment Specialists, one of the first questions you’ll be asked is, “What are your current back pain symptoms?” Some common symptoms of back pain include:
- Muscle spasms in lower back
- Shooting or stabbing pains
- Pain spreading from the back down the legs
- Weakness or numbness of legs
- Inability to sit or stand without pain
- Pain while bending or lifting
Experiencing these symptoms on a regular basis makes completing normal, daily activities both strenuous and painful. If you’re ready to find relief from lower back pain, searching for a “back pain specialist near me” means that you’re ready to return to a pain-free life.
What Do Doctors Do For Back Pain?
Looking to get relief from lower back pain, but not sure what the treatments will look like? You’re not alone. Many people believe that narcotics and surgery are the only answers for chronic back pain, and that a spine specialist will send you right to an orthopedic surgeon for a consultation. However, the interventional pain doctors at Pain Treatment Center have a wide variety of minimally-invasive, yet highly effective back pain treatments designed to enhance your quality of life. Some of these treatments include:
- Lumbar Radiofrequency Ablation: Lumbar radiofrequency ablation is highly effective for patients who experience lower back pain as a result of lumbar facet joint arthritis.
- Sacroiliac (SI) Joint Injection: This treatment provides relief and reduces inflammation in the SI joint, which is located above the tailbone. A special X-ray guides guides a local anesthetic into the sacroiliac joint, and if pain subsides, then it is confirmed that there is an SI joint issue, and the anesthetic provides substantial pain relief.
- Lumbar Epidural: A lumbar epidural combines a corticosteroid with a local anesthetic for pain relief.
When you search for the “best back pain specialist near me”, you’ll see that the team at Pain Treatment Specialists not only offer the most qualified back pain doctors, but also the most recent, cutting-edge technologies that offer back pain relief. Contact our offices today to see how you can return to a pain-free life!