Dec 5, 2018 | Elbow Pain Treatment
Elbow pain is commonly known as golfer’s elbow or tennis elbow. It can be a result of overuse in one of these sports, but there are many other causes for this condition, including tension, repeated use of the arm for work or recreation, arthritis, a bone disease, a...
Oct 19, 2018 | Elbow Pain Treatment
What is the Cause of Elbow Pain? Ask an Elbow Pain Specialist Elbow pain, according to elbow pain specialists, usually occurs in two different places and is commonly called by two different names. Tennis elbow is a soreness or strain on the outer part of the elbow....
Sep 17, 2018 | Knee Pain Treatment, Elbow Pain Treatment
What is Tendinitis? Are you asking “what is tendinitis?” Tendinitis is an inflammation of a tendon, most likely caused by repeated movements of your body, but it can also be a result of infection or rheumatic disease. A tendon is a tissue that attaches a...
Sep 17, 2018 | Elbow Pain Treatment
What is Bursitis? Bursitis is an inflammation of one type of the soft tissues in the body known as bursa. What is a bursa? A bursa is a sac that has lubricating fluid inside and exists to protect bones, muscles, tendons, and skin from rubbing so that there is no...
Sep 7, 2018 | Elbow Pain Treatment
Top 5 Treatments for Bursitis or Inflammation of the Bursa Your joints and tendons are cushioned by fluid-filled sacs called bursae. Your body contains over 150 of these sacs, which reduce friction between adjoining structures to prevent injury and to make movement...