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  1. Bed rest: this is often the first step for relieving back pain however it is important to be sure not to spend an excessive amount of time in bed.
  2. Cold packs: or ice packs, have been proven to temporarily ease pain. If you’ve tweaked your lower back, apply a cold pack during the first 24 to 48 hours. It will help to reduce inflammation and act as a local anesthetic.
  3. Pain medication: used to relax muscles and relieve pain. Acetaminophen (Tylenol) and anti-inflammatory drugs such as Aspirin, Ibuprofen and Motrin are among the most common.
    If pain still persists, you may require more extensive treatment options. At the Pain Treatment Clinic you can expect to be treated by a board certified Pain Doctors, using minimally-invasive technology for chronic pain.
    Our surgeons are Harvard trained and their expertise include physical therapy and orthopedic surgeons.  The Pain Treatment Specialist offers some of the best treatments and therapies including.
  4. Physical therapy: this may include the ultrasound, massage and exercise programs.
  5. Acupuncture: helps alleviate chronic pain. It involves the insertion of small thin needles into precise points of the body. These needles restore energy flow and release pain-relieving chemicals such as endorphins and serotonin.
  6. Epidural Steroid Injections (ESI): these are used for treating short term lower back pain and sciatica. ESI is a соmbіnаtіоn оf a соrtісоѕtеrоіd (a ѕtrоng аntі-іnflаmmаtоrу mеdісіnе) wіth a lосаl аnеѕthеtіс pain rеlіеf mеdісіnе. It is administered through an intravenous catheter. The main aim is pain relief but is best combined with a rehabilitative program.
  7. Lumbar facet joint injection: this is a relatively simple procedure where a local anesthetic is applied, Facet joint injections combine a local anesthetic and a corticosteroid anti-inflammatory medication. This mixture is injected using a fluoroscopic (x-ray) guidance and helps to relieve pain, swelling and inflammation coming from the arthritic facet joint.
  8. Spinal Cord Stimulators (SCS): provides a mild electrical shock to the nerves that travel along the spinal column. The purpose of this procedure is to prevent the nerves from sending pain messages to the brain thereby reducing pain and the need for medicine.

Are you experiencing lumbar or lower back pain and wondering how to manage it? We review the common causes, symptoms and the best treatment options available.

Lumbar pain is common amongst many Americans aged between 30 and 50. Both men and women are affected by lumbar pain which can range in intensity full a dull ache to sharp sudden and debilitating pain. The pain can start abruptly due to a sudden move or over time due to ageing of the spine. Luckily there are specialized pain doctors who administer and advise on the most effective treatment options available.

Are you getting the right pain management?

Treatment options for lower back pain depends on whether it is acute or chronic.  With the right trеаtmеnt, 80 percent of реорlе who are experiencing bасk раіn іmрrоvе іn аbоut 6 wееkѕ and rеturn to thеіr nоrmаl dаіlу асtіvіtу.

If you are unsure that you are getting the right back pain treatment, it is best to look for a specialized pain doctor.

What are the symptoms of lumbar pain?

In order to properly diagnose a lumbar injury and determine the most effective lumbar pain management treatment, a MRI or CT may be required. However, there are many signs and symptoms for when to seek professional pain management help. Among some of the most common symptoms are:

  1. Dull and achy pain
  2. Numbness or weakness
  3. Muscle spasms
  4. Local soreness
  5. Pain that radiates down one leg or to the groin, buttock or upper thigh
  6. Stiffness and difficulty moving or walking
  7. Trouble sleeping
  8. Tingling or “pins-and-needles” sensations
  9. Limited flexibility or range of motion of the back
  10. Loss of bowel or bladder control in severe cases

What are the causes of lumbar pain?

In order to understand the causes of lumbar pain, you need to first understand the anatomy of this area. The lower back includes the five vertebrae in the lumbar region. Discs fill the spaces between the vertebrae and help to cushion the bones. Ligaments then wrap around the spine and discs, spinal cord and nerves.

Although age can be a common cause of lumbar pain, inactivity can cause weak muscles that support the spine. Other causes include:

  1. Sprains and strains: most acute back pain is caused by over-stretching ligaments and straining muscles. Bad ergonomics and lifting heavy objects can be major contributors to this.
  2. Disc disease or herniated discs: this occurs when then discs become compressed and bulge outwards and rupture.
  3. Vertebral compression fractures: a common fracture with patients suffering from osteoporosis.
  4. Sciatica: back pain caused by problems with the sciatic nerve that runs from the lower back all the way down the back of the leg.
  5. Intervertebral disc degeneration: is one of the most common causes of low back pain and it occurs during ageing. As the discs deteriorate with age, they lose their flexibility and cushioning ability.

The good news is that there are many types of lumbar pain management treatments available and professionals specializing in lumbar pain management  depending on the nature and severity of your pain.

Where do I find a pain doctor?

Meet the team! Find the closest pain doctor to you in either New York or New Jersey.

Have you checked out our VIP Medical Group? Our team of top Ivy League trained pain management specialists and our multi-speciality clinic has great outcomes for treating patients with knee pain, low back pain, neck pain and various types of arthritis and joint pain. We help patients avoid surgery.

8 ways to manage lumbar pain | Tips from the lower back pain specialists ultima modifica: 2019-02-27T01:14:26-05:00 da JJ Madrigal