How Do You Know What Kind of Doctor for Shoulder Pain is Best?
Shoulder pain is something you don’t think about until you’re injured or can’t fully use your arm. The way you move your arm depends on the flexibility and mobility of your shoulder blade, rotator cuff, and shoulder muscles to work in unison. When one of these things is out of place or injured, moving your arm even a little causes a great deal of pain. Visiting a shoulder pain doctor is the best way to identify and treat the cause of your shoulder pain. However, how do you know what kind of doctor for shoulder pain is best?
At Pain Treatment Specialists, our shoulder pain specialists are known as interventional pain doctors. These types of practitioners focus on relieving chronic pain without the use of narcotics or surgery, and instead focus on utilizing pain medicine treatments for chronic shoulder pain conditions like tendonitis or bursitis. Our team of nationally recognized doctors for neck pain and shoulder pain consistently receive 5-star patient ratings because of their outstanding and compassionate care. All of our carefully vetted shoulder pain specialists focus on relieving patients’ pain while also ensuring that their quality of life is restored. Schedule an appointment at one of our shoulder pain clinics in NYC., northern NJ, or Long Island and meet with a shoulder doctor who is able to treat common shoulder pain conditions with conservative treatments.
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Do You Know What Kind of Doctor for Shoulder Pain is Best for You?
In most cases, shoulder pain is easily resolved through pain medicine. Surgery is often avoided by using pain medicine treatments and more conservative treatments first. However, there are some cases when a traumatic injury occurs that shoulder surgery is required. Should I go to the ER for shoulder pain? If you’ve recently fallen or been in a car accident and feel numbness or tingling in your arms, or excruciating pain, you may need to visit an emergency clinic for immediate medical advice.
A primary care doctor is excellent for general wellness visits, but is not a shoulder specialist. This is why it’s best to meet with the shoulder pain doctors at Pain Treatment Specialists for an accurate diagnosis and targeted treatment plan. This eliminates the potential hours you could spend online searching for phrases like “Who is the best shoulder specialist near me?”, “What kind of doctor should I see for elbow pain?”, “Which doctor treats shoulder pain?”, or “Which doctor to go to for shoulder pain?” Don’t waste your time floundering online while your shoulder continues to ache. Book a consultation at Pain Treatment Specialists and meet with the area’s top shoulder pain specialists.
What Does a Shoulder Doctor Do for Chronic Shoulder Pain?
Chronic shoulder pain conditions make it difficult to lift and carry items, raise your arm, and can even interrupt your sleep. If you’re suffering from a torn rotator cuff, shoulder joint injury, or tendonitis, what can be done to alleviate your pain? At Pain Treatment Specialists, we offer a variety of minimally invasive treatments for shoulder pain including:
- Steroid Injections: A steroid injection is a highly effective tool for dramatically reducing pain. Your shoulder pain specialist administers an injection just above the tendon in the bursa area. This greatly reduces pain and swelling.
- Platelet-Rich Plasma Therapy: Also known as PRP, this treatment uses your own blood to speed healing from a shoulder injury. Your blood’s platelets are isolated and then injected into the injured area. This stimulates growth and speeds up the healing process.
- Physical Therapy: PT is often used in conjunction with other pain management treatments to increase your range of motion and strengthen your shoulder muscles.
During your consultation at Pain Treatment Specialists, your shoulder pain specialist details your customized shoulder pain treatment plan.
How Can I Treat Common Shoulder Pain and Injuries at Home?
There are some at-home remedies you can use to reduce your shoulder pain and swelling. First, utilize the RICE strategy, which stands for “rest, ice, compress, and elevate.” Rest your shoulder from carrying heavy bags or objects, or other activities like golf or swimming that tax your joints. Ice your shoulder in 20-minute intervals to reduce swelling. You can also alternate with heat therapy if that feels good. Compress or immobilize your shoulder with a sling or wrap to provide stability and support. It also makes you more conscious of not moving your arm, which is just a habit as you move throughout your day. Elevate your shoulder and upper back or prop it up with pillows as your sleep. This will aid your shoulder pain while you’re trying to rest, and also relieve pain and swelling.
You can also use over-the-counter pain medicines such as ibuprofen and aspirin to reduce your pain levels. Pay attention to the dosage recommended and do not exceed in a 24-hour period.
Massage therapy is also highly effective at relieving shoulder pain. Let your therapist know what motions are causing your shoulder pain, and they can work to relieve those tense spots and muscle groups.
Not sure what kind of doctor for shoulder pain is best? Book an appointment at Pain Treatment Specialists and meet with our team of nationally recognized shoulder pain specialists who focus on treating common shoulder pain symptoms without the use of surgery or narcotics. Begin feeling better after you contact our shoulder pain clinics for effective shoulder pain treatments.