Looking for the Best Pain Treatment Center in NYC? Look No Further Than Pain Treatment Specialists
Chronic pain quite literally throws a wrench in your entire day. From the moment you wake up, you’re reminded that your jam-packed day is going to be long and arduous, and your chronic pain makes every task that much more difficult. Even as you begin to check off items on your daily to-do list, your neck pain, back pain, or knee pain make walking across the office feel like you’re trekking across midtown Manhattan. When you’ve dealt with chronic pain for an extended period of time, your version of “normal” includes making accommodations for your limitations. As your head hits the pillow at night, all you can think about is how you’re going to get through another day dealing with chronic pain. If you’re dreading the morning’s alarm, know that there are pain management clinics that can truly turn your life around.
At Pain Treatment Specialists, the best pain treatment center in NYC, our board-certified pain doctors hold advanced pain management certifications and are nationally recognized in their field. There’s a reason why Pain Treatment Specialists are considered the best pain treatment center in NYC. Their pain care techniques are not only state-of-the-art, but also their advanced pain management works with each individual patient to craft a tailored pain management diagnosis and treatment. Here, we’ll examine how the best pain treatment center in NYC treats chronic pain, and returns each patient back to a pain-free life.
How to Find the Best Pain Treatment Center in NYC
When you begin to search for the best pain treatment center in NYC, what should you look for? First, your pain doctors should be board certified and have extensive experience in advanced pain management. Seeking a spine specialist or a doctor who specializes in spinal cord stimulation isn’t necessary, since surgery does not have to be part of the diagnosis and treatment of your chronic pain.
With a state-of-the-art facility in midtown Manhattan, Pain Treatment Specialists employ a team of Harvard-trained pain doctors who are nationally recognized in the field of advanced pain management. Here are some of the interventional pain doctors at the best pain treatment center in NYC:
- Dr. Michael Nguyen: Another graduate of Harvard Medical School, Dr. Nguyen is also nationally recognized as a pioneer in the field of pain medicine and pain care. As a pain doctor at the best pain treatment center in NYC, Dr. Nguyen’s dedication to continuously improving his pain management practices has led to Pain Treatment Specialists receiving the prestigious seal as a Center of Excellence.
- Dr. Laura Lombardi: Dr. Laura Lombardi completed her pain management fellowship at Harvard Medical School, and is board certified in pain management and anesthesiology. Dr. Lombardi prides herself on using multiple modern modalities to manage patients’ pain and return their quality of life.
The best pain treatment center in NYC not only specialized in pain care, but also patient care. At their state-of-the-art facility, Pain Treatment Specialists not only feature top doctors, but also top care for every patient suffering from chronic pain.
What Can Pain Doctors Do For Chronic Pain?
Many people delay looking for the best pain treatment center in NYC because they fear hearing the dreaded word “surgery.” No wonder the thought of chronic pain keeps many people up at night and dreading the next day! Surgery is not only painful, but it completely disrupts your daily life. You’re off of work for many weeks, which can be financially disastrous. It also does not guarantee that your chronic pain will be resolved, at least not without several other surgeries. If you’re terrified to think about how surgery will disrupt your life, know that the best pain treatment center in NYC also does not want surgery to be your best, or only option.
At Pain Treatment Specialists, our team of interventional pain doctors are trained in advanced pain management, which means that their goal is to help patients overcome their chronic pain through cutting-edge techniques such as ablations and injections. Additionally, the best pain treatment center in NYC avoids prescribing dangerous narcotics, which are highly addictive and habit-forming. Our team prefers to use their in-depth knowledge of pain management to return patients back to their normal lives, before chronic pain infiltrated their daily activities.
How Can I Manage Chronic Pain At Home?
Before you go to the best pain treatment center in NYC, there are a few things you can do at home to alleviate your chronic pain. Utilize the RICE (rest, ice, compress, elevate) method to help reduce pain, swelling, and discomfort. You can also take over-the-counter pain relief medicine, but be sure to follow the dosage on the label carefully. These remedies may provide temporary relief, but the best prescription for chronic pain is to schedule an appointment at the best pain treatment center in NYC– Pain Treatment Specialists.
Don’t spend another evening dreading your morning alarm. Contact Pain Treatment Specialists, the best pain treatment center in NYC, to see how our top team of pain doctors can help you rest easy.