Where Can I Find the Best Knee Pain Doctor Paramus? | The Pain Treatment Specialists
October 06, 2020
Who’s The Best Knee Pain Doctor Paramus? | A Pain Doctor Responds
If you’re looking for a top knee pain doctor paramus nj, then The Pain Treatment Specialists New Jersey are for you. This state of the art paramus medical center uses the latest minimally invasive medical treatment that avoids knee replacement surgery and narcotics.
The Pain Treatment Specialists NJ advocate a holistic approach to healthcare using the latest techniques in pain medicine. This is because surgical interventions are not always the best way to maximize your health and come hand-in-hand with risks. For example, some of the most common surgical risks include blood clots, infections, long recovery periods and over-reliance on narcotics, NSAIDs and opioids. In many instances, knee surgery is not even necessary.

The best knee pain doctor paramus at The Pain Treatment Specialists recognizes the risks associated with invasive surgeries. That’s why they use the latest minimally invasive treatment options to safely alleviate your knee joint pain. These non-invasive techniques are the latest advancements in pain medicine. Best of all, you won’t need to worry about the risky side effects associated with knee surgery or narcotics.
The Pain Treatment Specialists also prides itself on housing a team of board certified, Harvard-trained pain doctors. They are experts in providing you with a diagnosis and treatment plan that is centered around your health. That’s why they enjoy spending time with each patient to create customized care plans unique to each patient’s health status and timeframe.

If you want to explore the latest minimally invasive knee joint treatments, be sure to schedule an appointment with the best knee pain doctor paramus NJ at The Pain Treatment Specialists. Their state of the art Paramus clinic is located close to Garden State Plaza.
The Best Knee Pain Treatments
Now that we’ve looked at the importance of visiting a top knee pain doctor paramus, let’s take a look at the latest non-invasive treatment options currently available.
A top knee pain doctor paramus advocates minimally invasive treatments that minimize any risk. The following treatments are pain free, highly effective and can be carried out by one of our Harvard-trained pain doctors new jersey.
Steroid Injections
A top knee doctor paramus can use steroid injections to alleviate knee joint pain. A top pain doctor may use local anesthetic to ensure the knee joint is numb and comfortable. They can then inject corticosteroid medicine directly into the knee joint to reduce inflammation. This ensures instant pain relief can be applied directly to the area of pain. Steroid injections are a popular treatment choice that are fast, simple and can last for long periods of time.
Radiofrequency Ablation of the Genicular Nerve
Rfa treatment is an exciting area of pain medicine. It describes when radiofrequency energy is applied directly to the genicular nerves in the knee. The genicular nerves are responsible for sending pain information from the knee joint to the brain. However, a top knee pain doctor paramus can use a generator to transmit small currents of radiofrequency energy to the genicular (sensory) nerves in the knee. The thermal energy deactivates the genicular nerves. This means they no longer send pain signals to the brain. As a result, long-term pain relief is achieved without having to use steroids or other narcotics.
Genicular Nerve Block
The genicular nerves in the knee send pain information to the brain. Once this pain information reaches the brain, this alerts our body to the fact we are experiencing pain in the knee joint. However, a top knee pain doctor paramus new jersey can use local anesthetic to ‘block’ the pain signals from reaching the brain. This ensures long-term pain relief is achieved with minimal risk or discomfort.
Platelet Rich Plasma Injections
Prp treatment is an innovative area of pain medicine. It uses the latest techniques in regenerative medicine in combination with a holistic approach to healthcare.
During prp treatment, a top pain doctor nj draws up a small volume of your blood in a syringe. This small blood sample is then run through a machine called a centrifuge. The centrifuge condenses the blood platelets before they are injected back into the knee joint. The condensed platelets encourage the growth of healthy, new cells and tissue in the affected knee joint. In this way, you can use your body’s own healing abilities to help alleviate knee joint issues.
Physical Therapy
The best knee pain doctor paramus nj can recommend a top physical therapist to work with you. Physical therapy helps the body to increase its strength, flexibility and mobility via gentle exercises. A physical therapist will create a unique treatment plan that involves specific exercises for you to complete at home that will work well in conjunction with your minimally invasive treatment option.
Why Do I Have Knee Pain?
If you have knee pain, there are many potential underlying causes. Knee pain is an increasingly common issue, and this is partly due to our sedentary lifestyles. However, there are many different causes of knee pain that need to be addressed. If knee pain goes undiagnosed and untreated, it can get worse over time or even lead to further health issues. That’s why it’s important to book an appointment with a top knee pain doctor paramus at The Pain Treatment Specialists.
Below are a few examples of the many different causes of knee pain: –
- ACL injury – the anterior cruciate ligament connects the shin bone to the thigh bone. It is a large ligament that can become either partially or fully torn during sporting events. ACL injuries are particularly common amongst athletes.
- Bursitis – the bursa are small, fluid-filled sacs that surround the bones, muscles and tendons of the knee joint. If you have bursitis, it means the bursa are inflamed. This can lead to knee joint pain.
- Dislocated kneecap – a sudden trauma to the kneecap can cause the knee joint to fall out its groove and become displaced. However, even if the kneecap naturally falls back into the joint, it is important to seek medical advice from a knee pain doctor nj.
- Tendonitis – this describes when the tendon becomes inflamed due to being used too often. It is a condition commonly associated with athletes who use the tendon in their sporting events.
- Osteoarthritis – this is a type of arthritis that is attributed to wear and tear over time. It describes when the cartilage on the ends of the knee joint bones become worn down. This leads to friction in the knee joint. Bony spurs can even form on the bones of the knee joint. As a result, the knee can become stiff, swollen and painful due to friction in the knee.
If you experience any form of knee joint pain, it’s important you seek medical advice from a board certified, Harvard-trained pain doctor nj. These top-rated pain doctors are experts in using the latest techniques to diagnose and treat a wide range of pain complaints.
Book a Consultation
Scheduling a consultation with one of our pain treatment specialists is one of the best ways to determine the proper solution for pain relief.