Want to Find the Top Knee Treatment in NYC? Consult Pain Specialists for Joint Pain Relief

What Can I Expect From the Top Knee Treatment in NYC?
When you arrive for your appointment in Midtown Manhattan at Pain Treatment Specialists, the first thing you notice is how sparkling clean and modern the pain clinic appears. This is also noted by several patient reviews, who mention that there is “absolutely zero need to worry, especially during Covid.” You’re enthusiastically greeted by the caring front end staff, and then quickly escorted into your treatment area. Your pain doctor, Dr. George Hanna, completes a thorough examination of your knee, but first begins with a conversation. He wants to know about you, your life, your recent activities, and your current pain levels. While you’re explaining your knee pain, and why you’ve put off seeing a knee pain doctor, you feel comfortable listing your symptoms. You’re allowed to take your time, and don’t feel rushed to finish the appointment, which is also something you noticed many patient reviews mention.
Dr. Hanna, who is double board certified in anesthesiology, pain medicine, and pain management, completes a physical examination of your knee, isolating which movements cause pain. He mentions that if needed, he would also order additional imaging to help diagnose your knee condition. However, he’s confident that you’re suffering from jumper’s knee, also known as patellar tendonitis. Next, Dr. Hanna outlines your knee pain treatment, and carefully explains how these minimally invasive treatments provide effective pain relief. You leave your appointment feeling confident about your next treatment steps, and look forward to your next visit with Dr. Hanna.
On your way home, you can’t believe that you’ve waited so long to address your knee pain. You avoided orthopedics for knee pain because you thought surgery was going to be your only option. The relief you feel after your appointment at Pain Treatment Specialists is coupled with the comforting feeling that your knee pain doctor genuinely cares about removing pain from your daily life. This is how you know you’ve just received the top knee treatment in NYC!
What Does Knee Pain Treatment Feel Like?
On your next visit with Dr. Hanna, you begin the first portion of your customized treatment plan. In a few days, you’ll start physical therapy to build strength and improve your knee’s range of motion. According to Dr. Hanna, physical therapists are experts in exercise science, and know exactly what movements and exercises work to make your knee stronger and more flexible. You may also receive cold and heat therapy from your physical therapist as a part of your session.
Today you’ll be receiving a steroid injection in your knee to help with the pain you feel when bending or straightening your leg. Before you begin, Dr. Hanna outlines exactly what will happen during the procedure, and also answers your questions about what a steroid injection does for pain relief. Dr. Hanna numbs the area around your knee joint with a topical anesthetic and then draws the corticosteroid into the syringe. He explained earlier that the corticosteroid is highly effective at reducing pain and inflammation in your knee. Before you know it, the injection is administered and a bandage is placed over the injection site. After a few minutes, you’re able to feel the pain and swelling in your knee subside, and by the evening your knee feels completely pain free.
Even though you’re not quite ready to start training again for your next 5k, your knee feels so much better than it did just a day ago. Thanks to Pain Treatment Specialists, you feel hopeful about your knee pain for the first time in months.
Can I Use At Home Knee Pain Treatments?
Dr. Hanna also gives you some great tips for reducing your knee pain through at-home treatments. He suggested following the RICE method, especially once you begin running again. RICE stands for “rest, ice, compress, and elevate” and is often used by athletes in conjunction with over the counter pain medicines for knee pain relief. You’ve always been good about icing your knee, but rarely followed the other steps. Resting is key to giving your knee time to repair and recover from the stress of pounding the pavement, and wearing a knee brace helps provide additional support. Dr. Hanna also recommended massage therapy for your patellar tendonitis, which helps soothe pain and tenderness.
This is finally the year you’re addressing your chronic knee pain, and you can’t believe you didn’t tackle this sooner! The pain specialists at Pain Treatment Specialists, located in Midtown Manhattan near Bryant Park, truly provided the best knee treatment in NYC. Now, you’re ready to tackle the rest of your resolutions without nagging knee pain.
Book a Consultation
Scheduling a consultation with one of our pain treatment specialists is one of the best ways to determine the proper solution for pain relief.