Book a Video Visit with a Back Specialist in NYC Today!
8 Reasons to Book a Video Visit with a Back Pain Specialist
- Extraordinary Circumstances– Unfortunately life is unpredictable, but health care shouldn’t be. During extraordinary events like 9/11, virus pandemics, or natural disasters, your health is of utmost importance. When circumstances prevent an in-person visit with your doctor, book a video visit like those offered by Pain Treatment Specialists to keep your health in check.
- High-Risk Virus Seasons- Whether it’s the recent Covid-19 or recurring flu seasons, some populations are at elevated risk when they mingle with the public. During such seasons, it’s prudent to conduct a virtual visit to limit exposure to pathogens.
- Acute Pain– If your pain is mild to moderate and not accompanied by red flag symptoms, a video visit may be sufficient. After a review of your medical history and lifestyle, a board certified back pain doctor can determine if you need further evaluation. Some back and neck pain are short-lived and caused by things like sleeping position which abate with limited intervention.
- Familiar Pain– If your pain is already diagnosed and recurs in familiar fashion, bearing no red flags, a back pain doctor can determine the best course of action with a video visit. If they recommend treatment like Epidural Steroid Injections, you can book the procedure, saving you the initial office visit.
- Convenience– Sometimes circumstances make it difficult for you to visit the doctor. Whether you have children at home or unreliable transportation, a video visit with a back and spine specialist is more convenient for some patients.
- Co-Existing Conditions– If you suffer from back pain but have a concurrent contagious ailment such as the flu, pain doctors may advise a video visit. They can assess and address your pain and welcome you for a follow-up visit in person if needed when you’re well.
- Limited Mobility– If it’s difficult for you to get around, a doctor’s appointment is a struggle, particularly in busy cities. A board certified pain specialist can determine via video whether you should expend the effort, or whether home remedies are sufficient.
- Choosing a Doctor– If you’re wondering what doctor to see for back pain, a video visit is a good way to assess. Some back and spine doctors like those at the New York Spine Institute or orthopedic back doctors rely heavily on surgical intervention. A video visit serves as an interview to determine your doctor’s preferred treatment modality.

8 Signs You Need Urgent Treatment from a Back Doctor in NYC
While video visits offer convenience and solutions for extenuating circumstances, there are times when you should seek emergency treatment, rather than a video visit. Take a look at 8 signs you should seek immediate care.
- Pain is New and Severe– When pain comes on suddenly and is unbearable, seek immediate treatment. Fractures, joint dislocation, and inflammatory conditions require prompt attention.
- Pain is Accompanied by a High Fever– Contrary to popular belief, body temperatures vary between individuals, even throughout the day. A temperature of 99 or 100 degrees is not overly concerning in an otherwise healthy individual. But if your fever spikes over 100 accompanied by back pain, see a doctor to rule out disease or infection.
- Pain Produces Immobility– If your pain produces an inability to move your extremities, seek immediate care. Refrain from moving a patient with immobility, particularly if it occurs after a fall, and call 911 for medical transport.
- Pain Stems from a Recent Injury– If your pain is moderate or severe and follows a recent injury or a fall, contact your doctor promptly. If there is a break or fracture, additional movement can intensify the damage.
- Pain Follows a Car Accident– Pain from a car accident can manifest instantly or be delayed due to the numbing effects of adrenaline and shock. If you have intense or persistent back pain following a car wreck, call your doctor or visit a hospital if pain is extreme.
- Pain Includes Chest Pain or Shortness of Breath– Conditions like stroke or heart attack can cause referred pain in your back. If you experience shortness of breath or chest pain with back pain, seek immediate care.
- Pain Induces Vomiting– Our bodies are adept at signaling trouble, so symptoms unrelated to your back like vomiting warrant urgent evaluation. Some pain stems from more serious diseases like cancer, so trust your body’s alert system.
- Pain Intensifies– If pain rapidly progresses to elevated levels, particularly despite the aid of NSAIDs or acetaminophen, contact your doctor right away. Likewise, if pain begins spreading throughout your body or produces progressive swelling, head to the doctor.

Why Our Back Pain Specialists in NYC Excel at Video Visits
Video visits are an excellent supplemental solution for mild pain without warning signs. But not all doctors are equipped to conduct effective virtual visits. The top rated doctors at Pain Treatment Specialists in NJ and NYC hold extensive certifications and investigative expertise that make us highly effective at video appointments. Take a look at what sets us apart.
Superior Education– All of the doctors at Pain Treatment Specialists are Ivy League trained and hold multiple certifications in supplemental fields of expertise. Studying comprehensive health in addition to pain management makes us more qualified to assess pain via virtual assessment. Whether it’s lower back pain, muscle strain, a pinched nerve, or stenosis, our doctors are trained in pain identification.
Extensive Research– Our doctors are not only privy to the latest research via Harvard medical affiliations, they also conduct ongoing research of their own. They don’t take a one-size-fits-all approach to pain treatment; they implement the most innovative, non-invasive custom solutions available.
Industry Experts– Our doctors are award-winning, world-renowned experts on pain management from whom patients worldwide seek expertise. They are teachers, speakers, and published authors on pain management who have decades of experience in pain conditions, making them suited for virtual visits.
Innovative Approaches– Since our doctors are averse to surgical intervention, they seek every innovative solution for their patients. They can tell by your description whether you need non-invasive procedures, further diagnostic testing, physical therapy, or even simple rest, ice compression, and elevation. They seek to minimize your time in doctor’s offices and hospitals whenever possible.
Patient-Centered Care– Our doctors seek to know you first- your medical history, lifestyle, limitations, and co-existing conditions to offer the best solution. They don’t rush through appointments or prescribe symptom-aimed solutions like opioids; they seek to address the underlying problem. Video visits provide an uninterrupted opportunity to learn where your pain stems from.
If you’re suffering from back pain but circumstances prevent an office visit, book a video visit with Pain Treatment Specialists today! There’s no reason to suffer any longer when relief is just a click away! And when you’re able to visit in person, come see us! We’re conveniently located near Penn Station.
Book a Consultation
Scheduling a consultation with one of our pain treatment specialists is one of the best ways to determine the proper solution for pain relief.