Where’s the Best Knee Pain Relief near Me? | a Doctor Responds
September 08, 2020
The Best Knee Pain Relief Near Me According To A Doctor
If you struggle with knee pain, then you’re not alone. The incidence of knee pain is on the rise and is believed to be a result of our sedentary lifestyles. However, knee pain can also signal underlying health conditions like rheumatoid arthritis. That’s why it’s important to visit a board certified pain doctor at The Pain Treatment Specialists to diagnose and treat your knee pain.
So, what is a pain doctor? A pain doctor (also known as a pain management doctor or pain physician) is an expert in the field of pain medicine. They use cutting-edge technology in state of the art facilities to diagnose and treat pain in a minimally invasive way. Pain doctors don’t believe in undergoing risky and potentially unnecessary surgery. This is because surgery can sometimes create more problems and is not always the route to optimizing your health.

Orthopedic surgeons can rely too heavily on knee replacement surgery and other procedures to invasively treat your knee problems. As well as the problems associated with surgery, it’s also important to consider long-term consequences that may result from invasive and unnecessary surgical procedures. Surgery is not a decision that should be taken lightly.
The most common surgical risks include:-
- Blood clots
- Problems with breathing/ allergic reactions to anesthesia
- Infections
- Long recovery periods
- Over-reliance on narcotics, NSAIDs and opioids

It is no secret that the U.S. is facing an opioid epidemic. Addiction rates are continually climbing and health officials warn against taking pain medication for long periods of time due to adverse health consequences.
The best knee pain relief near me will focus on using regenerative medicine to treat your knee pain in a minimally invasive way. Conservative treatment options are the safest and healthiest ways towards the road to recovery.
Let’s explore some of the best ways to receive knee pain relief near me.
The Top 5 Knee Treatments
The knee joint is a hinge joint which allows it to bend forward and backward. It is a large joint and is necessary for our movement and so we can bear our weight. It rarely gets a rest which is why it can struggle to heal if impacted by disease or injury.
The great news is that there are many highly effective ways to treat knee issues that avoid surgery and narcotics. Let’s look at five of the ways to achieve knee pain relief near me.
Steroid Injections
Steroid injections into the joint of the knee are usually the first line of treatment. A top rated pain doctor can use a combination of local anesthetic and steroid medicine to numb the knee and reduce inflammation caused by aggravated nerves. Steroid injections are a popular treatment option because they are fast, simple and enable patients to return to daily activities or engage with physical therapy.
Radiofrequency Ablation of the Genicular Nerve
The genicular nerves surround the knee and are sensory nerves. They are responsible for sending pain signals from the joint of the knee to the brain. Once these signals are registered by the brain, the patient experiences pain. However, a pain doctor can use the latest cutting edge technology to deactivate the nerves.
A pain management physician can use a small generator to transmit radiofrequency energy to the knee. This radiofrequency energy is able to heat up the genicular nerves in the knee. This energy causes the genicular nerves to become deactivated. This means they can no longer send pain information to the brain.
Radiofrequency ablation is a popular treatment option for patients wanting to avoid knee surgery and steroid medicine. It is a safe and pain-free procedure that has highly successful outcomes.
Platelet Rich Plasma Treatment (PRP Treatment)
Platelet rich plasma treatment is when a pain doctor stimulates the growth of healthy new cells using your body’s own healing properties.
During this procedure, a Harvard pain doctor draws up some of your own blood into a syringe. They then run this blood sample through a centrifuge machine to collect a high concentration of platelets. These platelets are then re-injected into your knee joint to encourage the growth of new cells and tissue.
Prp treatment is an exciting and innovative area of regenerative medicine. It has a positive success rate and is a safe treatment option.
Genicular Nerve Block
As previously discussed, the genicular nerves are located in the knee joint. A pain doctor can ‘block’ the genicular nerves from sending pain information by injecting local anesthetic near the genicular nerves in the knee. A genicular nerve block can also be used to determine pathological modifications such as arthritis and inflammation. These tests which determine pathological changes are performed two times and if positive, a pain doctor might recommend radiofrequency ablation as the best treatment option for you.
Physical Therapy
A top-rated pain doctor can recommend the best physical therapist to work with you in conjunction with your treatment plan. A physical therapist will provide you with gentle exercises to be completed at home. These exercises will increase the strength, flexibility and mobility of the knee joint.
Where Can I Find The Best Knee Pain Relief Near Me?
Although knee pain is common, there are many highly successful ways to treat it without surgery and narcotics. The best way to treat knee problems is by using minimally invasive options that are derived from the best practices of regenerative medicine.
The Pain Treatment Specialists house a team of board certified Harvard doctors offering these non-invasive treatments. They are passionate about creating customized care plans to suit your individual health needs and timescale. Best of all, you won’t have to worry about undergoing knee replacement surgeries or having to take narcotics for long periods of time. A top-rated Harvard pain physician understands the best way to maximize your health without having to take unnecessary risks.
The Pain Treatment Specialists has locations in both Manhattan New York (near Grand Central Station) and as well as in Clifton, Paramus and West Orange New Jersey. They pride themselves on providing exceptional patient care and will create a unique treatment plan tailored to your health needs and timescale.
Book a Consultation
Scheduling a consultation with one of our pain treatment specialists is one of the best ways to determine the proper solution for pain relief.