What to Expect from Your Pain Management Specialist
Pain can alter your life if it’s too much. When people feel pain, they respond differently. Some feel angry, sad, and depressed while others feel hopeless and desperate. Amazingly, when the pain ends, the victim experiences happy feelings. If pain is beginning to change your character and currently you are more irritable, disrupted, and unhappy, it is important to seek pain management help from a reputable clinic near you. Doctors who are trained in ways to manage pain can be of great help to someone like you.
They know how to help people cope with physical and psychological pain. If you have been missing your sleep due to pain, and have a lot of stress, get in touch with a pain management New Jersey clinic in your area or can look for Pain Management Near Me. Their psychological cures provide safer, non-drug methods and tend to offer quick pain relief by getting rid of high levels of emotional stress. If you didn’t know, stress aggravates the pain and so when it is alleviated, pain is also reduced.
Pain management near me specialist who provides psychological treatments will address all the indirect outcomes of pain. They will teach you how to cope with several issues associated with the pain you live with. As well as this, there will be other non-medical and medical means of managing pain.
Medical pain management strategies
- Drug therapy
- Trigger point injections
- Surgery involving implants
- Bioelectric therapy
Drug therapy
A pain management New Jersey clinic must try drug therapy prior to opting for surgery. And if prescription and non-prescription drugs don’t help you, he or she might provide trigger point injections. In case these fails, your pain management near me clinic will use surgical implants to end your ache. Mild types of pain are normally managed through OTC (non-prescribed) drugs. Examples of these are NSAIDs (Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like naproxen, aspirin, and ibuprofen. Acetaminophen or Tylenol is rather common too, and it is best taken when one wants to control muscle pain and stiffness.
NSAIDs are extremely good drugs for eliminating swelling and irritation–inflammation. Topical pain relievers can be provided without prescription and they appear in the form of sprays, creams, and lotions. These reduce pain when massaged directly onto the skin surface. They are good at reducing inflammation from arthritis and sore muscles. If OTC drugs don’t provide adequate pain management, your pain doctor can prescribe other kinds of medicines that are more potent. These include:
- Muscle relaxants
- Anti-anxiety drugs like diazepam(valium)
- Anti-depressant drugs, including musculoskeletal pain drugs like duloxetine.
- Prescription NSAIDs like Celebrex or celecoxib
- Stronger pain killers like codeine, oxycodone and acetaminophen, fentanyl or hydrocodone and acetaminophen.
If you have pain in your back due to spinal stenosis or another serious cause of lumbar spine pain, your pain management New Jersey doctor can prescribe epidural injections or steroid injections. Local medicines can be used to block pain affecting a bunch of nerves serving a particular body organ. These are provided in the form of an injection called a nerve block. The injection usually consists of a substance that numbs a nerve in order to stop the pain. Different kinds of nerve blocks are available and are not always picked for pain relief as they can be dangerous. Your pain management near me expert can tell you whether nerve blocks are perfect.
Trigger point injections
This injection is used to treat painful areas of your muscle, areas that have knots of muscles called trigger points. These develop when muscles fail to relax. During this procedure, a pain management New Jersey physician or any other doctor for Pain Management Near Me of your choice will insert a small needle consisting of a local anesthetic drug into a muscle knot beneath your skin. Sometimes this numbing drug consists of a saline solution or steroid. The injection inactivates the trigger point and the pain is ended.
Within a short time of receiving pain management treatment, continuous pain relief can result. Muscle pain in your legs, arms, neck, and lower back can be treated via a trigger point injection. Furthermore, pain resulting from a tension headache, fibromyalgia, and chronic pain in a tissue that surrounds a muscle (myofascial pain syndrome). Botox or onabotulinumtoxinA is a toxin that is also given as an injection.
Its work is to block signals from the nerves to the muscles and control migraines. Botox injections are given in the head or neck every three months. They are strong enough to stop your pain for up to 12 weeks. If your pain management near me professional thinks you can do better with botox, he or she will start out the treatment process.
Surgery involving implants
When normal medicines and physical therapy cannot offer adequate pain relief, then the pain management New Jersey medical doctor will have no other solution but to operate on the sick organ or body part. But, this is not a normal sort of surgery as it involves the placement of implants. One type of implant is intrathecal drug delivery, also known as spinal drug delivery systems and infusion pain pumps. So, the pain surgeon creates a pocket underneath your skin that is big enough to hold in place a medicine pump.
About 1” thick and 3” wide, this medical pump is inserted along with a catheter that transports the pain medicine from the pump to the intended part of the body. Doctor for Pain Management Near Me uses use implants to deliver drugs like muscle relaxants or morphine directly to the spinal cord. This is because nerves through which pain signals travel are located there. Intrathecal drug delivery systems are able to control a significant amount of pain. They have fewer side effects compared to oral drugs like a lot less drug is needed to stop the pain.
The next kind of surgical implant is called Spinal Cord Stimulation implant. A low amount of electrical signals are conveyed to the spinal cord or certain nerves in order to hinder pain signals from entering the victim’s brain. Commonly, Spinal Cord Stimulation stops pain felt in the limbs or back. A gadget that is able to release electrical signals is implanted in the body via surgery and then a remote control is used by the victim to manipulate the current—turn it on or off or amend the signal intensity.
While some implants don’t cause any amount of discomfort, others can trigger a pleasant, tingling sensation. Two systems are available though, where one unit is totally placed inside the body and consists of a pulse generator and a non-rechargeable battery. The other type of Spinal Cord Stimulation system has a transmitter, antenna and radio frequency-dependant receiver. So the receiver is implanted in the body, but its antenna and transmitter are held outside the body. Your pain management New Jersey doctor will be able to determine whether you require the first kind or the second kind.
Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation therapy
Commonly known as TENS, this type of pain therapy is sometimes effective. It makes use of electrical current stimulation to reduce pain. During the process, the pain management specialist transports a low-voltage electrical current via electrodes to an area close to the painful part of your body. Electrodes are placed on top of the skin and from there they arouse the nerves in the hurting area to transmit signals to the brain. These signals mess up the normal pain signals, resulting in pain relief.
TENS is a rather common kind of pain removal therapy and is so great for masking diabetic neuropathy pain. It is sometimes used by pain management health experts to block lumbar spine pain, although it is less effective and not highly recommended.
Bioelectric therapy for pain management
The working mechanism entails blockage of pain signals to the brain via bioelectric therapy. This type of therapy also arouses the body to produce endorphins or chemicals that reduce or eliminate painful feelings. Bioelectric therapy has more applications than Tens as it can be used to treat both acute and chronic pain. If you have headaches, muscle aches, back pain, arthritic pain, TMJ dental issue or diabetic neuropathy among other diseases, your pain management New Jersey expert will offer bioelectric therapy. For temporary pain relief or total pain treatment, bioelectric therapy can be so successful. It is even a more effective pain management plan when combined with pain killers. As it is reliable, it can allow a patient to take fewer oral medicines and still experience pain relief.
Non-medical techniques your pain management doctor may suggest
- Acupuncture
- Chiropractic treatment
- Massage
Acupuncture – As various acupoints are located closer to the nerves, pain signals they transmit can be stopped through the stimulation triggered by acupuncture. If these nerves are aroused, they cause a dull ache within the muscles. In return, the aroused muscle transmits a message to the brain and spinal cord and this causes it to release endorphins. These are known to block pain messages from being taken to the brain. Acupuncture can be applied in pain management cases like lower back pain. Tennis elbow, knee osteoarthritis, fibromyalgia, menstruation pain, myofascial pain, and carpal tunnel syndrome, and so on.
Chiropractic treatment – Chiropractic therapy is suggested by the pain management New Jersey physician because it is a non-surgical treatment for backache. In some research trials, people who underwent chiropractic treatment due to severe neck and back pain felt better. A study about this treatment procedure continues as we speak and perhaps more evidence about its level of effectiveness will be released soon.
Physical therapy – This technique is used to alleviate discomfort and pain and it entails stretching and strengthening exercises. It can be combined with the TENS procedure described above and rest. Your pain management expert can help you select a good physical therapist to guide you through the procedure. Exercises that are done regularly can help the brain release endorphins–natural pain killers. They can be extremely helpful even if you have to deal with chronic pain. However, victims of chronic pain can start less strenuous exercises, such as yoga, walking, swimming and biking, and so on.
Massage – If painful parts of your body are thoroughly and safely massaged by a professional, the ache might reduce. Massage cannot work on its own though, it must be combined with other non-medical and medical practices, including bone or osteopathic manipulation therapy, herbal therapy, diet changes, and therapeutic touch, and so on. Your pain management specialist can suggest a great massage therapist in your area.
Relaxation techniques – Mind-body therapies that enable people to relax and get rid of stress are necessary pain management techniques. These include biofeedback, hypnosis, yoga, guided imagery, meditation, and relaxation. Visualization can also be a great pain control strategy that your practitioner can show you how to do. Reiki when combined with therapeutic healing work wonders as far as reduction of pain is concerned.
The pain management specialist handling your case might suggest a change of diet and taking nutritional supplements. A vegetarian diet tends to be picked for people who have fibromyalgia or osteoarthritis. Although nutritional techniques can cause change, they cannot be used on their own when one is living with acute or chronic pain. Other methods described above must be applied to provide a complete treatment plan.
Things to note
Before facing your first pain management New Jersey doctor, write down all the treatment techniques you have tried before. If there are medicines you are taking, tell Dr. Shane Volney’s so that he can prevent drug interactions from happening. As well, be prepared to answer a number of questions that your pain management near me physician will ask during the appointment in an honest manner. This will help them carry out the right diagnosis and determine the best treatment program.
In most pain clinics, you will be able to meet all sorts of health experts who can play a vital role in your healing process. When you go back home from the clinic, do as your doctor asks you to do. Any side effects from drugs or complications should be reported to the pain management New Jersey expert as well. If your pain clinic expert thinks that a change of treatment plan can work best, he or she will let you know.
Surgical techniques will only be selected if non-medical and other medical techniques fail. These are the last option that will work best when there is a need to implant devices for pain management inside your body.